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Artis - FAD Hand Painted Flat Molding for Panel - 2 in - #FMF-002-5
If an exterior setting is chosen, a sealer coat should be applied for protection and durability; $7.00 will be added to the price for this option.
You can choose from two different finish sheens: low luster, which is the default sheen, and gloss. An extra coat should be applied to obtain a glossy finish sheen; $7.00 will be added to the price for this option.
Polyurethane is a hard, dense foam that has many advantages over wood in that it does not rot, crack, splinter, or absorb moisture. are a few of the many advantages of polyurethane moldings:
Please be advised that this is a hand painted job and is very time consuming, see time per quantities below.
Priority orders, please contact us.
Artis - FAD Hand Painted Flat Molding for Panel - 2 in - #FMF-002-5
If an exterior setting is chosen, a sealer coat should be applied for protection and durability; $7.00 will be added to the price for this option.
You can choose from two different finish sheens: low luster, which is the default sheen, and gloss. An extra coat should be applied to obtain a glossy finish sheen; $7.00 will be added to the price for this option.
Polyurethane is a hard, dense foam that has many advantages over wood in that it does not rot, crack, splinter, or absorb moisture. are a few of the many advantages of polyurethane moldings:
Please be advised that this is a hand painted job and is very time consuming, see time per quantities below.
Priority orders, please contact us.