
All About Walls and Decorative Ceiling Tiles

Springtime Crafts for the Family

Written by Milan Jara on 3rd Mar 2015

March is National Craft Month and my wife and I cannot think of a better theme for an entire month. Since March is the gateway to spring, we decided to give you some craft ideas involving a spring t … read more

Why Wall Panels Are Right For Your Home

Written by Milan Jara on 24th Feb 2015

When you have a passion for art, as my wife and I do, you try to find ways to be creative with the materials that you are given. We work hard to create and sell the very best in ceiling panels, but … read more

Home Improvement Tips for the Spring

Written by Milan Jara on 17th Feb 2015

Spring is that special time of year when everything feels new and the air is filled with opportunity. That is mostly because everyone was cooped up all winter long and now it is time to get out of t … read more

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