
Before and After Ceiling Tiles with Mike Milovich

Written by Milan Jara on 6th Mar 2013

Today we want to share with you some great before-and-after photos and a very nice write-up that our customer Mike Milovich of Alexandria, Virginia, sent to us about his beautiful Decorative Ceiling Tile installation. He describes his ordeal of trying to find tiles at a few of the “big box” home improvement stores in his area and how he finally came around to choosing tiles from our website.

Mike chose our DCT05 faux-tin tiles in the striking Antique Copper finish.

Washington Square Tile in Copper

But first, he wanted to check decorative ceiling tiles out for himself in person, so he did what many of our smart shoppers do before they actually buy our tiles—he ordered one of our sample packs.

Straight from the Ceiling Tile Installer’s Mouth

Let’s let Mike tell it in his own words:

…before ultimately ordering our 2ft X 2ft Antique Copper tiles online from the website, I definitely did my due diligence and, of course, visited a local Lowes and Home Depot store to check out what they had to offer in terms of ceiling tiles, as well as their website selections afterwards. … Anything I was interested in buying required a special order, which defeated the purpose of trying to go buy it the same day. Doh! Also FWIW, Lowes apparently has partnered with Armstrong, Inc., which limits what you can special order… (This) led me to Google “ceiling tiles,” which is how I found They hands down (or is it two thumbs up these days?) had the best selections and prices for what I was looking for, 2ft x 2ft tiles, back when I ordered in late 2012. They shipped the tiles fairly quickly, and the quality of them was spot-on, too. I started by ordering a special sample kit of 3 tiles, just doing the due diligence routine again to see what they looked like up-close-and-personal, then ordered 43 more a couple of months later, which all blended/matched each other well as well as the three samples I previously ordered, and of the 46 tiles in total there was NOT one defect.

Here are the before-and-after photos of Mike’s beautiful ceiling tile installation so you can see for yourself.

Mike’s Ceiling Before

Here are the shots of before and after ceiling tiles! First we see a shot of the installation in progress. Then we see another angle, showing a display of delicious hot beverages in Mike’s shop with the ceiling in the background.

Mike says, “It looks even more beautiful up close and personal, as the ‘wows’ we’ve been getting as feedback from friends will attest.”

Mike’s Ceiling After

Thanks for sharing, Mike. We are thrilled that you are so pleased with our products and service!

If you have a ceiling tile project you’d like to share, just email us and you might just see your name in print!

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