
Decorating for the Summer

Written by Milan Jara on 26th May 2015

Summer is on the way and that means months of fun in the sun, backyard BBQs, and friends dropping by. The heat and humidity of summer can make decorating your home a challenge, but we have learned some very cool ways to dress up your home during the hot summer months. With a little ingenuity and some inexpensive materials, you can decorate for summer and be ready for the fun that is headed your way.

Decorate For Summer

Photo By: Walter Stoneburner (Flickr)

Seashell Decorations

If you live near the water or just spend a lot of time at the beach, then you can find great decorations for free scattered all over the place. There is something unique about driftwood that makes it a summertime decoration that will get plenty of attention. If you find some longer, straighter pieces of driftwood, then use them as curtain rods for the curtains in your bathroom or kitchen. When you are walking along the beach, pick up a few of those larger seashells and then fill them with evergreen leaves or pinecones. These make great table decorations and can also be conversation pieces during your summer parties.

Try Some Smaller Seashells

If you cannot find the bigger seashells to help you decorate your home for the summer, then the smaller shells will do just fine. Get a handful of smaller shells and put them in a glass jar to be displayed on your living room table. If you put your shell display on a mirror, than you can make it look like you have a jar filled with hundreds of shells. If you have the time, then take a handful of shells, drill a small hole in each one, and then run them all onto a piece of string. Make a few of these seashell strings and then hang them up in one of your doorways.

Bottle the Sunlight

The summer sunshine provides warmth and it also provides a brilliant light for everyone to use. One of the best ways to maximize the decorative properties of that light is to hang clear bottles in your windows and watch what they do to the sunshine. Gather up a variety of bottles, clean them good, and then use string to hang them in front of your windows. The games the bottles will play with the light when the light hits them will be fun to watch all summer long.

Glowing Walking Paths

Gather up a bucketful of small pebbles that measure around 1/2-inch in diameter and the start painting them with glow in the dark paint. After the paint has dried and the pebbles have soaked up plenty of sunlight, use the pebbles to fill in the gaps between the stones in your backyard walkway or any other walkway you have around your house. When the sun goes down, you will get to enjoy the benefit of glowing walking paths. We guarantee that you will enjoy the effect of this project so much that you will be painting pebbles all summer long. The glowing paths also make your backyard safer during summer parties and gatherings.

Summertime is when people get together to have fun. As artists, we always try to come up with unique and inexpensive ways to make summer even more fun for everyone. Try some of these summertime decorating projects and we guarantee that you and your friends will have plenty to talk about as you are hanging out in the backyard.

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