Happy 100th Birthdays, Girl Scouts and Oreo Cookies!
Written by Milan Jara on 12th Mar 2012
This week marks the 100th anniversaries of two of the most popular establishments in the United States—Girl Scouts and Oreo cookies. Have a little fun and honor both of these wonderful milestones with Cookies ‘n Cream faux tin glue up decorative tin ceiling tiles!
Women of Character
When Juliette Gordon Low brought the Girl Scout movement to Savannah, Georgia, on March 12, 1912, little did she realize how huge an influence Scouting would have on girls and women throughout the United States and the world.
Women from Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor to former U.S. Secretary of State Madeline Albright to Olympic figure skating champion Peggy Fleming to comedienne Lucille Ball have learned leadership, self-confidence, and life skills from Scouting. And all of these Girl Scouts once earned money for their troops by selling cookies.
Cookie sales teach girls life skills from math to public speaking to public relations. Some troops use their cookie money to work on projects, some to take trips, and still others donate them to charity.
The most popular Girl Scout cookie by far is the Thin Mint, with its minty wafer bathed in rich chocolaty goodness. The Cookies ‘n Cream decorative ceiling tile pays a gentle homage to these delicious treats as well as to the one and only Nabisco Oreo cookie.
Two Chocolaty Wafers + 1 Creamy Center = Delicious!
1912 was also the year that the National Biscuit Company invented the world’s best-selling cookie, the Oreo. Many have tried to imitate its delicious chocolate wafers surrounding a smooth vanilla cream center, but nobody has ever come close.
Today Oreo cookies are available in festive colors for holidays—pastels for Easter, orange for Halloween, and green for St. Patrick’s Day. And of course, these goodies also come in the decadent “double stuff” filling and the even more sinfully delicious devil’s food coating.
Cookies ‘n Cream
The Cookies ‘n Cream decorative ceiling tiles imitate the dark chocolate coating and rounded shapes of both these types of cookies and are decorated with flower-like three-dimensional engravings. Their rich decadent look would be fantastic on the ceiling of your kitchen, dining room, bakery, or any type of food market. They might even make your customers hungry enough to buy more food!
So, go ahead and indulge yourself in a few extra calories this week with Girl Scout cookies, Oreo cookies, and Cookies ‘n Cream faux tin glue up decorative ceiling tiles. After all, these events come around only every hundred years!