
Hostess Etiquette: How to Be A Hostess With the Mostest

Written by Milan Jara on 2nd Dec 2014

When we throw a party, it is very important to us that our guests have a good time and that we leave them with the inclination to come back to our next gathering. Sometimes we throw parties for vendors and customers, but most times we just like throwing parties for family and friends.

Just like with our tile business, we take every opportunity we can to learn from previous experiences and apply that to creating better events in the future. Over the years, there are some hostess etiquette rules my wife has learned which have helped to make our parties the social events of the year. Well, at least, we like to think so.


Photo by 1000heads

Stay Calm At All Times

We have items in our house that we prefer our guests not play with, which is why we put those items away before every party. But, inevitably, someone finds something to play with that instantly gets my heart rate going. We have learned that the best way to handle any situation in a party is to not panic and just take care of whatever issue it may be. Remember, it is not your guest’s fault that you forgot to put away the little metal money bank with the Uncle Sam character on it that your grandfather gave you for your fifth birthday. So do not make your guests feel uncomfortable by panicking when something happens.

Be Accommodating, Within Reason

One thing we have learned about being a party hostess with the mostest is that party guests will make up their own rules and you have to sometimes roll with it. When a party guest brings their own guest, without telling you in advance, just smile and remember that this is the reason why you bought extra food. But when a guest starts shoving the deli platter in their purse, then it is perfectly appropriate to speak up.

Always Thank Your Guests

We have found that the easiest way to let guests know we appreciate something is to thank them. For example, when a guest brings a gift to a party that we were not expecting, we always thank them enthusiastically and point out at least one thing we like about the gift. It is not easy with some of the unexpected gifts we have been given, but we find that guests are immediately put at ease when you thank them for gifts, for complimenting your home or when guests ask to use your bathroom facilities. Of course, you are not going to say no to a request like that. But it is important to let your guests know that you appreciate them asking first.


Nothing is more rude than inviting people to a party then not spending any time with them. When we throw a party, my wife and I are constantly working the room and making sure everyone has everything they need. My wife is infinitely more enthusiastic about talking to people and refreshing their drinks and I have noticed that little things like circulating among your guests can turn any failing party into a huge success.

We throw parties for a variety of reasons and always try to invite as many people as possible. Over the years, we have learned that being a gracious host makes all of the difference in the world. My wife has perfected the idea of being the hostess with the mostest and it has made our parties legendary among our friends. Well, at least we like to think so.

– Milan Jara

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