
Set Decorators Love Our DCT Faux-Tin Ceiling Panels on Elementary!

Written by Milan Jara on 20th May 2013

When we recently introduced our new double-length faux-tin ceiling panels, we knew they’d be a big hit with businesses and homeowners. But little did we know that CBS would use our DCT faux-tin ceiling panels on Elementary, the biggest hit of the fall 2012 television season!

It’s Elementary, Watson

Elementary is a drama, a modern take on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s legendary detective stories. The series stars Johnny Lee Miller as the brilliant investigator Sherlock Holmes, Lucy Liu as a 21st-century Dr. Watson, and Aidan Quinn as NYPD Captain Toby Gregson.

Deduce the Truth About Our Tiles

Our tiles have long been a favorite with professional photographers and videographers. More recently, they have served as set decorations for the Emmy® Awards and the American Country Awards. However, as far as we know, Elementary is the first TV series to use our awesome ceiling panels.

The designers chose our DCT 0209 Tiny Tulips faux-tin decorative ceiling panel in white, which they plan to paint. Fortunately, the faux-tin polystyrene material makes painting these panels a breeze.

DCT 0209 Tiny Tulips Faux-Tin Ceiling Panel

Twice as long as our regular square tiles, these 2′ x 4′ panels can be easily installed in about half the time. And these panels are sound-absorbent and Class A fire-rated for safety, both vitally important considerations on a studio set or sound stage.

Catch Us on TV or Online

You can enjoy Elementary on your local CBS network station on Thursdays at 10pm Eastern and Pacific Time and 9pm in the Central and Mountain time zones.

Sherlock Holmes (Johnny Lee Miller) and Dr. Watson (Lucy Liu) Investigate a Kidnapping in the Two-Hour Season Finale of Elementary / Photo: Jeffrey Neira /CBS ©2013 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved

You can also catch up on all of this season’s episodes on the CBS website.

If you have a ceiling tile project that you’d like to share, just email us and you might just see your name in lights, or at least on our website!

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