
The Only Guide You Need for Planning A BBQ

Written by Milan Jara on 2nd Jun 2015

The beginning of summer means the beginning of backyard BBQs and fun in the sun for everyone! When you and your family or friends get together for a BBQ, you want everyone to have a good time and you want everything to be just right. All it takes is a little planning and you can have the kind of backyard BBQ that everyone will remember. Summertime is the time for making memories and the best memories start with a great backyard BBQ.

Summertime Backyard BBQs

Photo By: Steven Depolo (Flickr)


To have a great BBQ, you don’t need to make a seating chart. But you do need to make sure that all of your guests have the opportunity to be comfortably seated while they enjoy their burgers. It helps to know how many people are coming to your BBQ so that you can put out enough chairs and tables for everyone. Circular tables are great because they allow for comfortable seating and conversation. Always put the tables under trees or awnings to create comfortable shade. If you do not have trees or awnings in your backyard, then use outdoor table umbrellas or get creative and make temporary awnings out of blankets.


The stereotypical BBQ is a meat lover’s paradise (see picture) with brats, hot dogs, and burgers for everyone. But not everyone eats meat and not everyone likes hot dogs. Instead of getting frustrated with the variety of menus you may have to deal with, you can treat it as a challenge. Vegetables such as peppers and corn taste excellent when cooked on the BBQ. Even fruits such as apples and pears can have a little extra zing to them when place over an open flame. Try putting together kabobs with meat, chicken, and vegetables to appeal to the diverse eaters. There is so much you can do with food cooked on the BBQ that it would almost be a shame to waste the opportunity by only cooking hot dogs and hamburgers.


People associate BBQs with food and fun. The hard part can be coming up with fun that appeals to everyone. One solution is to purchase a backyard sports kit that consists of a volleyball net, a volleyball, two badminton rackets, and some badminton birdies. If your yard is big enough, then get a football game going using rules that will allow everyone to play. Other popular backyard games such as horseshoes, lawn bowling, and croquet are easy to set up and fun for everyone to play.


Your guests will appreciate it when you remember the little details that can make your BBQ better for everyone. For example, putting out sunscreen and bug spray everyone can use will be appreciated and helpful. If you do not have a pool, then set up a sprinkler that the kids (and even the adults) can use to get cool. Another amenity that people will appreciate is some lawn furniture that allows for lounging around in shaded areas. Those reclining lawn chairs with the extended leg areas are ideal for allowing Uncle Pete to get his feet off the ground and snore the afternoon away.

Making Your BBQ Stand Out

Not everyone can afford to hire clowns and a petting zoo to make their backyard BBQs stand out from the rest. But there are ways to make your BBQ the talk of the summer without breaking the bank.

Try a themed BBQ based on something fun for everyone. For example, you could have a Star Wars theme and invite your guests to dress in Star Wars costumes. A theme gives you a great chance to develop creative decorations, costumes, and fun ways to present the food.

Instead of serving burgers and hot dogs, create a menu that will really get everyone talking. How about making pizzas for your backyard BBQ? You may want to make a few practice pizzas to make sure you get it right, but pizzas allow for a variety of ingredients and they are definitely not what people would expect at your BBQ.

Your backyard BBQs are chances to have fun with your friends and family, while showing off your creative side as well. Since we are creative people ourselves, we really get into making our BBQs unique and fun. Once you start trying ideas that are outside the BBQ norm, you will see just how much fun hosting a BBQ can really be.

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