
The Only Mother’s Day Gifts You Need

Written by Milan Jara on 14th Apr 2015

Mom is the most important person in the world, and we always encourage everyone to show their mother some appreciation whenever possible. But if Mom is the most important person in the world, then that makes Mother’s Day pretty important as well. If you have a stay-at-home mom, then consider offering her something different from the usual flowers or candy that can be gone in a few days. We suggest you get your stay-at-home mom something that will make her life easier. You can even get the kids together to make a practical Mother’s Day gift that Mom will use and cherish forever.

Mother’s Day

Photo by Gabriela Pinto (Flickr)

Telescoping Duster

Every week, you see Mom balanced on a chair to dust the higher shelves, the top of the curtains, and a host of other places that are pretty difficult to reach. You have been promising to get Mom a telescoping duster to make housework easier and safer, but you just never found the time. This year, find the time and get Mom this little time-saver to make her life a lot easier.

A Robot Vacuum

Imagine how much time you could save Mom if she had one of those robot vacuum cleaners to take care of the rugs and floors for her. As the technology gets more advanced for robot vacuum cleaners, the prices keep dropping. That means you can find the perfect robot vacuum for Mom at a price you can realistically afford.

Dryer Balls

Dryer balls are rubber balls with small protrusions sticking out of them that are inexpensive ways to save Mom a lot of time and energy when it comes to ironing. That is because dryer balls work out the wrinkles in any piece of clothing while it is going through the dryer. All Mom has to do is hang up everyone’s clothes when they come out of the dryer and avoid hours in ironing each week.

Kid Coupons

We don’t want you to start mixing chemicals with the kids to make the next great homemade cleaning solution, so let’s try a couple of kid projects that are not quite as dangerous. If the kids really want to make Mom’s life easier, then they should make up a book of cleaning coupons that Mom can redeem anytime. Be sure to include coupons for cleaning the garage, the attic, the gutters, the kids’ bedrooms, the family room, and any other high-traffic area in the home. On those days when Mom just does not feel up to cleaning the bathroom, she can cash in a coupon and get the kids to do it instead.

Dusting Sticks

Mom can always use help dusting, and dusting sticks made by the kids can be a great help. All you need to make dusting sticks is old rags, shoelaces, and some wooden poles. You can buy long dowels at the local hardware store, or you can cut up old broom handles to get the wood you need (just make sure Mom doesn’t need the broom anymore before you cut it up). Help the kids out by using a staple gun to anchor a rag to one end of a stick, and then the kids can wrap the rag around the stick, making sure to keep the rag as flat as possible. After four or five wraps around the end of the stick, use a couple of shoelaces to tie down the rag and keep it in place.

Mom does a lot for us throughout the year, and for one day, we get to show her how much she means to us. Show Mom some real love by giving her gifts that will make her daily cleaning tasks easier and give her a little more time for herself.

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