
Unexpected and Exciting Uses for Foam Crown Molding for Ceilings

Written by Milan Jara on 7th Sep 2018

DIY Foam Crown Molding – 4.5″ Wide 95.5″ Long – #CC 451

Have you ever wondered what else you could possibly do with foam crown molding other than using it as actual crown molding?

You probably haven’t because most people hear the words “crown molding” and assume that’s all they can be used for. The good thing about foam crown molding is they are versatile in usage due to their extremely flexible material!

We’ve gathered some of the most unconventional ways you can use your foam crown molding in your home to help ease, style, and design mix together.



1. Hide Your Entertainment Wires

Having surround sound in your living room or media room sounds like a great plan until you are faced with the massive amounts of unsightly wires. You probably don’t know what to do with the wires to keep your house looking stylish and put together.

Enter high quality foam crown molding process.

Because the foam crown molding is easy to cut and maneuver however you would like, you can create a cut out space for the wires to feed through.

Crown Molding Staple Wires

As you can see, all you need to do is cut (or drill) a big enough space at the top of the high quality foam crown molding to give you space to move the wires through to the other side. This polystyrene trim molding is a great idea for mounted televisions and speakers.

When you have more than a few wires to wrap around the top of your room, you may need to use more than one foam crown molding piece to give you the desired outcome. In this case, you can use painters caulk to glue the pieces of foam crown molding together to give you the desired look.



2. Lighten Up the Room

Lighten Up the Room

This is really an unconventional use for foam crown molding but it works extremely well.

If you have a space that could use some lighting to freshen up the place, using string lights or rope lights to enhance the top half of the walls is a great idea. But how do you keep those lights up and out of the way? Place them on top of the foam crown molding to create a shelf for the lights. All you really need to do is ensure that the foam crown molding is shaped correctly to hold the string lights efficiently. Just be sure to test it out before you install the foam crown molding pieces in your home.

The positive side is that, if you use a polystyrene trim molding piece that doesn’t quite fit shape-wise, you can always cut small divots out of the molding to create the space you need.

Either way, using foam crown molding to mount your string lights will give you a great refresher to your space while getting those lights and wires up and out of the way.



3. Stylish Headboards

Foam crown molding sounds like it only belongs on the tops of your walls between the wall and ceiling, right? Wrong!

These crown molding look alikes can be used to create stylish headboards, too. In fact, you can create a one-of-a-kind headboard using different styles of foam crown molding that won’t cost you a fortune.

Simply shop the different foam crown molding designs to find the perfect one for your headboard design. Then, install it on the wall using painters caulk and an adhesive.

Stylish Headboards

You could also paint the foam crown molding before you place it on the wall to give it a unique look, as well.The possibilities are endless when it comes to using foam crown molding for your headboard!



4. Frame Your Mirrors

Your bathroom doesn’t have to be the forgotten room of the house. In fact, it is a place where you should be able to go and relax so why not make sure that it is stylish and pleasing to look at in the process?

One feature in a bathroom that tends to get overlooked is the mirror. These massive fixtures on the wall often times become just a mirror—no decoration or style added. However, you can change that with foam crown molding.

Take the molding design that you like the most and either paint or leave it white. Once you make the molding piece the desired color, frame the mirror using painter’s caulk and an adhesive.

Frame Your Mirrors



5. Create a Faux Fireplace

While many homes have fireplaces, many other homes do not. If you have been dying for a fireplace of your own in your home, you can have one! Foam crown molding is a great option for framing out what a fireplace would look like (minus the real fire) on your wall! You can install a mantel on the top and frame out the two sides with foam crown molding. Or you can create a mantel using foam crown molding, too. It might not be wise to place anything heavy (such as a television) on top of the foam crown molding, however. You could mount it on the wall and use the mantel as a statement piece only.

To give the faux fireplace even more of a pop, use an adhesive wallpaper in a brick design to make it look like a true fireplace. Small or large spaces would benefit from having some character added by having a faux fireplace on the wall.

Faux Fireplaces

As you can see, the possibilities are not limited to the ceiling with foam crown molding. You can explore other options for creating stylish designs with foam crown molding in your own home.

Here a few tips and tricks to keep your sanity when installing foam crown molding in your home:

  • Use an all-purpose adhesive such as LocTite Power Grab

    This is the adhesive you will use to make the foam crown molding stick to the wall. An all-purpose adhesive is perfect for this lightweight foam material.

  • Caulking + Caulking Gun

    Even though you will not be installing actual molding, you will still need to caulk to keep the seams between the molding and wall from showing. You can use a crack-proof caulk that will not crack over time and give you long-lasting results!

  • Hand Saw

    While foam crown molding seems like it would be easy to cut without power tools, you still need a hand saw (powered or not) to cut through the foam. This foam cannot be cut with scissors or knives, but a handsaw will work just fine!

  • Paint

    Even though the foam crown molding may look like it is painted when you buy it, it is not. You will have to paint it before you install it. To save time, purchase a semi-gloss latex paint that also has a primer in it. Angled brushes are great this type of molding and all of the nooks and crannies.

As you can see, installing foam crown molding in however fashion you desire is easy and affordable. Now you can create the look and feel in your home that you’ve always wanted.

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