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As this is a custom hand painted product, please allow 7 to 10 business days for shipping.
Please be advised that this is a hand painted job and is very time consuming, see time per quantities below.
If exterior setting is chosen, a sealer coat should be applied for protection and durability, $20.00 will be added to the price.
You can choose from two different finish sheen, low luster, which is the default sheen and semi-gloss, an extra finish coat should be applied to obtain a glossy sheen, $20.00 will be added to the price for this service.
Some of our ceiling medallions come with no center hole from factory, we offer the service of drilling the hole for free (please be advise that item can not be returned), Just measure your electric box or installation place and choose center hole size for your medallion on product options, we will cut it for you.
In most of the ceiling medallions, the design close to the center area allow to place a canopy wider than the inside diameter that come from factory, that's the maximum diameter that a canopy can fit, a small design area around the hole might be covered but you save the canopy (recommended), other option is to replace your canopy for a smaller one that fits the inside diameter.
#Blue Diamond - FAD Hand Painted Ceiling Medallion |
#Blue Diamond - FAD Hand Painted Ceiling Medallion |
#Blue Diamond - FAD Hand Painted Ceiling Medallion |
As this is a custom hand painted product, please allow 7 to 10 business days for shipping.
Please be advised that this is a hand painted job and is very time consuming, see time per quantities below.
If exterior setting is chosen, a sealer coat should be applied for protection and durability, $20.00 will be added to the price.
You can choose from two different finish sheen, low luster, which is the default sheen and semi-gloss, an extra finish coat should be applied to obtain a glossy sheen, $20.00 will be added to the price for this service.
Some of our ceiling medallions come with no center hole from factory, we offer the service of drilling the hole for free (please be advise that item can not be returned), Just measure your electric box or installation place and choose center hole size for your medallion on product options, we will cut it for you.
In most of the ceiling medallions, the design close to the center area allow to place a canopy wider than the inside diameter that come from factory, that's the maximum diameter that a canopy can fit, a small design area around the hole might be covered but you save the canopy (recommended), other option is to replace your canopy for a smaller one that fits the inside diameter.
#Blue Diamond - FAD Hand Painted Ceiling Medallion |
#Blue Diamond - FAD Hand Painted Ceiling Medallion |