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The NuMetal Aluminum collection is constructed with an ultra- thin layer of metal with standard HPL backing and allows standard woodworking tools to be used in fabrication. We have several styles to choose from that are in-stock. All Finishes are available with no Embossed Design added. Most finishes are lacquered for chemical and scratch resistance. The polished finishes are usually anodized.
NuMetal - Downloadable Catalog
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The NuMetal Aluminum collection is constructed with an ultra- thin layer of metal with standard HPL backing and allows standard woodworking tools to be used in fabrication. We have several styles to choose from that are in-stock. All Finishes are available with no Embossed Design added. Most finishes are lacquered for chemical and scratch resistance. The polished finishes are usually anodized.
NuMetal - Downloadable Catalog
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