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Strengthen your ceiling tile with ease! Our improved ceiling grid T bar- snaps straight into the Main Runner to enhance ceiling tiles. All through installation, this product is divided into 2’ Cross Ts that float between tiles. Best for theaters and home dwellings, our answer maintains the maximum use of your ceiling height and ensures simple entry to plumbing and wiring.
Our top of the line ceiling supplies also work in damp areas as they carry a hundred percent rust-free guarantee. All merchandise works with standard ceiling tiles and comes in black or white. Whether you’re winding up an unfinished basement or making an attempt to search out decent ceiling options, you’ve come to the precise place. In case your basement ceiling leaves you feeling claustrophobic, our ceiling grid is the answer to turn your desires into truth – that you may save six or more inches of ceiling height.
Strengthen your ceiling tile with ease! Our improved ceiling grid T bar- snaps straight into the Main Runner to enhance ceiling tiles. All through installation, this product is divided into 2’ Cross Ts that float between tiles. Best for theaters and home dwellings, our answer maintains the maximum use of your ceiling height and ensures simple entry to plumbing and wiring.
Our top of the line ceiling supplies also work in damp areas as they carry a hundred percent rust-free guarantee. All merchandise works with standard ceiling tiles and comes in black or white. Whether you’re winding up an unfinished basement or making an attempt to search out decent ceiling options, you’ve come to the precise place. In case your basement ceiling leaves you feeling claustrophobic, our ceiling grid is the answer to turn your desires into truth – that you may save six or more inches of ceiling height.