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Corbel Attica - FAD Hand Painted Corbel - #CF-002-2
These corbels are for decorative use only. These should not be used for any structural support
Our corbels are manufactured with a dense architectural urethane compound (not Styrofoam) that allows it to bevery durable and 100% waterproof. These products can be installed with architectural adhesive and/or finish nails.
A major advantage of urethane is that it will not expand, constrict or warp over time with changes in temperature or humidity. It's safe to install in rooms with the presence of moisture like bathrooms and kitchens. This product will not encourage the growth of mold or mildew, and it will never rot.
Corbel Attica - FAD Hand Painted Corbel - #CF-002-2
These corbels are for decorative use only. These should not be used for any structural support
Our corbels are manufactured with a dense architectural urethane compound (not Styrofoam) that allows it to bevery durable and 100% waterproof. These products can be installed with architectural adhesive and/or finish nails.
A major advantage of urethane is that it will not expand, constrict or warp over time with changes in temperature or humidity. It's safe to install in rooms with the presence of moisture like bathrooms and kitchens. This product will not encourage the growth of mold or mildew, and it will never rot.