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These blocks give you a great way to connect your crown molding corners, whether they are inside corners, outside corners, or anything in between. You can also combine two foam crown molding blocks to create a center block that adds an amazing finishing touch to your beautiful new ceiling. They're also easily painted with any water-based paint to give you just the right look for your space.
Crown molding corners are available in five sizes ranging from mini to giant, so there is sure to be one to fit any of our do-it-yourself crown moldings.
Size | Mounting Width | Mounting Height | Total Height |
Mini | 1.5" | 4" | 5 1/4" |
Small | 2 1/2" | 8" | 10 1/4" |
Medium | 3 1/2" | 8" | 11 1/4" |
Large | 4 1/2" | 9" | 13" |
Giant | 6" | 11" | 17" |
Crown molding corner blocks can be glued together with painter's caulk. The image below shows how you can combine crown molding blocks to create either an outside corner or a center block.
A La Maison - Downloadable Catalog
Cutting and Painting Process
These blocks give you a great way to connect your crown molding corners, whether they are inside corners, outside corners, or anything in between. You can also combine two foam crown molding blocks to create a center block that adds an amazing finishing touch to your beautiful new ceiling. They're also easily painted with any water-based paint to give you just the right look for your space.
Crown molding corners are available in five sizes ranging from mini to giant, so there is sure to be one to fit any of our do-it-yourself crown moldings.
Size | Mounting Width | Mounting Height | Total Height |
Mini | 1.5" | 4" | 5 1/4" |
Small | 2 1/2" | 8" | 10 1/4" |
Medium | 3 1/2" | 8" | 11 1/4" |
Large | 4 1/2" | 9" | 13" |
Giant | 6" | 11" | 17" |
Crown molding corner blocks can be glued together with painter's caulk. The image below shows how you can combine crown molding blocks to create either an outside corner or a center block.
A La Maison - Downloadable Catalog
Cutting and Painting Process