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Daisy Chain - Shanko Copper Cornice 3.6 in. Wide 4 ft. Long - #903
Merry floral motifs link together to form a chain of sweet daisies on our SK903 Daisy Chain Shanko Cornice. This great cornice adds a subtle feel of completion to your ceiling, and the softly raised design adds just the right touch of depth and interest. The SK903 Daisy Chain Shanko Cornice is a great match for many types of decor, including romantic, traditional, and classic.
Daisy Chain - Shanko Copper Cornice 3.6 in. Wide 4 ft. Long - #903
Merry floral motifs link together to form a chain of sweet daisies on our SK903 Daisy Chain Shanko Cornice. This great cornice adds a subtle feel of completion to your ceiling, and the softly raised design adds just the right touch of depth and interest. The SK903 Daisy Chain Shanko Cornice is a great match for many types of decor, including romantic, traditional, and classic.