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Pilasters are a type of door and window trim that provide an elegant and distinctive frame around the vertical sides of entryways. Most commonly used on front doors, architectural pilasters are often used to frame garage doors and windows as well. Pilasters were once found only on more expensive homes, but now make a great home improvement project because they have become affordable for any homeowner's budget. Pilaster style Pilasters were created to mimic classical columns, but have only 1/3 or 1/2 of the diameter and lay flat against walls. The main styles of pilasters are fluted, smooth, and paneled. The fluted pilasters come from Greek and Roman architectural columns and pilasters, where the fluted style was the most common style used for its elegance. The smooth pilaster also began as a Classical architectural style by the Romans. The Classical Tuscan column is always smooth and can be found today in Rome's St. Peter's Plaza. It is one of the most popular column styles today noted for its simplicity and elegance. Pilasters for your home exterior Pilasters today are often made of urethane materials, which are both inexpensive and resistant to damage from sun and water. They will not crack or rot as easily as wood products, and often need no water sealing or maintenance.
Pilasters are a type of door and window trim that provide an elegant and distinctive frame around the vertical sides of entryways. Most commonly used on front doors, architectural pilasters are often used to frame garage doors and windows as well. Pilasters were once found only on more expensive homes, but now make a great home improvement project because they have become affordable for any homeowner's budget. Pilaster style Pilasters were created to mimic classical columns, but have only 1/3 or 1/2 of the diameter and lay flat against walls. The main styles of pilasters are fluted, smooth, and paneled. The fluted pilasters come from Greek and Roman architectural columns and pilasters, where the fluted style was the most common style used for its elegance. The smooth pilaster also began as a Classical architectural style by the Romans. The Classical Tuscan column is always smooth and can be found today in Rome's St. Peter's Plaza. It is one of the most popular column styles today noted for its simplicity and elegance. Pilasters for your home exterior Pilasters today are often made of urethane materials, which are both inexpensive and resistant to damage from sun and water. They will not crack or rot as easily as wood products, and often need no water sealing or maintenance.