The origin of medallions can be traced back to the Middle East, where they served a practical function in the early days. The popularity became widespread throughout Europe, particularly in France and Italy. With the invention of modern lighting fixtures, ceiling medallions now serve as a primary decorative treatment to get attention to the lighting fixture or chandelier.
Medallions come in various sizes and styles to meet your home and architectural design needs. Installing a ceiling medallion above your chandelier, ceiling fan, or lighting fixture is a great way to expand the visual beauty of your ceiling and add value to your home. Ceiling medallions are designed from polyurethane, so they are lightweight, easy to handle, and can be easily installed on your ceiling with adhesive or nails. Browse our collection of unique decorative ceiling medallions at Decorative Ceiling Tiles today.
Absolutely not! Ceiling medallions remain a classic and are still fashionable in home design today. While first seen in upper-class homes in the 19th century, they are now a popular decorative element we see today.
You will usually find ceiling medallions installed in rooms with high ceilings. The higher the ceiling, the larger the medallion should be. They are meant to play a role in the aesthetic of the space they are used in. They effortlessly accentuate the focal point of a ceiling or a light fixture and add a decorative touch of grandeur.
Ceiling medallions can pair with a ceiling fan and ceiling light fixtures. When choosing a ceiling medallion for a fan, select a color and style that complements the fan. If you can't find something that matches, you can paint the medallion yourself for a more customized look.
Remember a few things as you select the perfect ceiling medallion for your space. We will cover each of these things briefly below:
Most ceiling medallions are used in the living and dining rooms with a hanging light fixture. If you have a chandelier, you must choose a ceiling medallion the same size as the outside diameter of your light fixture. Avoid a medallion the same size as the fixture because it can make the room appear smaller.
Again, ceiling medallions are most often used in rooms with higher ceilings. If you have a two-story home with a high ceiling, consider a larger medallion. However, if the dimensions for the length and width of the space are smaller, you will want a smaller medallion.
The size medallion you choose will also depend on the space you are installing it in. Painted ceiling medallions in a hallway or home office will be smaller to match the area's dimensions, while one for a master bedroom or living space will be larger to serve as the focal point.
The color of your painted ceiling medallion is entirely up to you and what you want in your space. Many medals are painted white, but you can get creative if you want more of a visual impact.
Metallic colors for your painted ceiling medallion are one way you can draw attention to the ceiling and light fixture. However, if you choose this route, you want to match the metallic paint you use with the metal finish on your light fixture.
Ceiling medallions painted to match your ceiling color, the trim or crown molding color, or even your favorite piece of furniture can tie a room theme together. Some may appear more old-fashioned, while others have a regal charm and antique look that many love.
Many recommend using aerosol spray paint when working on your painted ceiling medallion. Using a brush or roller can take several hours, and the coverage may need to be more consistent. On the other hand, spray paint is quick, easy, and ensures excellent and even coverage.
If you have a white or neutral medallion and ceiling, you can pop in some color with brushed steel, brass, or dark-colored wall plates. You can use complementary light color wall plates with a neutral-painted medallion and dark walls.
You can also tie everything in the space with accent accessories, other home decor pieces, and wall lighting. The options for design with a decorative painted ceiling medallion are endless.
Are you looking for fine art deco or contemporary modern? Decorative Ceiling Tiles have the perfect ceiling medallion option for you.
Once you find the right ceiling medallion, it is time to install it and transform your space. If you have an existing light fixture or other ceiling lights in the way, you will want to remove them before installing your decorative ceiling medallion.
If you want to display your ceiling medallions, painted is the way to go! You should take the time to paint it before you start the installation process, and it can be touched up after installation if necessary. Now, gather your materials.
Once you have gathered your materials and removed the existing light fixture, it is time to secure the medallion to the ceiling. To do this, you want to caulk the backside of the medallion.
Caulk works better than a construction adhesive and allows you a bit of wiggle room if you need to correct the placement when securing it to your ceiling.
Apply the caulk around the back side perimeter of your medallion, then position it on the ceiling. The caulk will hold it securely until you have it set perfectly and are ready to secure it.
Next, replace and wire the light fixture and fan accessories, ensuring all the wires make their way into the housing. Longer screws are suitable for this step because they can make it through the light fixture and the medallion. The screws with your existing light fixture may be too short and won't go through once the medallion is secured.
Make sure your ceiling medallion is centered, and tighten everything. If you have a more oversized ceiling medallion, use a few finishing nails around the medal on an angle to further secure everything in place. The light fixture, not the caulk, holds the medallion in place, but the finishing nails are extra insurance so that everything stays put.
Finally, fill in any nail holes and touch up the painted ceiling medallion if necessary.
Painted ceiling medallions are versatile and can be used with various home accents and light options, including pendant lighting, a semi-flush mount, recessed lighting, track lighting, chandeliers, and other hanging light fixtures.
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