
How To Install Urethane Faux Wood Beams


Safety Instructions

  • Make sure to use the correct tools recommended.
  • Wear proper protective gear.
  • Follow fixture, power tools, paint manufacturers instructions, and users manuals.
  • Use common sense and follow good construction practices.

Tool & Material Checklist

  • 2 × 4 (For Blocking)
  • Construction Adhesive
  • Power Drill
  • Saw
  • Chalk Line
  • Finishing Nails
  • Screws
  • Caulk or Wood Filler
  • Stud Finder
  • Tape Measure

Special Instruction Notes

  • Thoroughly read through the installation instructions to familiarize yourself with the process before beginning installation.
  • It is recommended that wood blocking be installed every 3-6 feet.
  • If studs or joists do not align with the wood blocking it is recommended that you use molly bolts or toggle bolts to secure wood blocking to ceiling
  • Before installation acclimate the beams to the room for at least 24 hours

Step By Step Instructions

  • Measure inside width of the beam and cut wood blocking to inside width dimensions.(Diagram A)


  • Determine where the beams will be installed. If installing multiple beams determine your spacing.
  • Once you have determined installation points and spacing, mark the center points along both sides of the wall. Using a chalk line connect the marks.
    Note: If the studs or joists do not align with the wood blocking it is recommended that you use molly bolts or toggle bolts to secure wood blocking.
  • 2 feet from the wall attach wood blocking using your center line. Then install blocking every 3-6 feet. With a pencil or tape mark where the blocking is installed. (Diagram B)


  • Measure each installation point before cutting to account for variances in the wall. It is also recommended that the beams be cut a little long so they fit snuggly and can be adjusted after dry fitting.
  • Dry fit each beam without adhesive and make adjustments to the beam length if needed.
  • After dry fitting and length adjustment apply construction adhesive to the outside of the blocking Diagram B Diagram C and tops of the beam. Press firmly in place.
  • Use finishing nails or screws to fasten the beam to the blocking. (Diagram C) Screws will need to be countersunk, covered with wood filler, and painted for a finished look.


  • Clean off excess adhesive and if needed, apply caulk where the beam and wall meet.

Safety Instructions

Read Carefully Before Staining

To avoid inhaling any fumes when using stains, paints or topcoats, it is extremely important to use adequate ventilation. Keep all materials out of the reach of children. Close all containers after use. Please be sure to follow the stain manufacturer’s safety procedures.

Material Checklist

  • Gloves
  • Quality brush(es) for Stain
  • Quality brush for Topcoat*
  • Staining Rags
  • Mineral Spirits
  • Stain
  • Topcoat*

Special Instruction & Notes

  • *Topcoat is required for exterior applications
  • It is recommended to apply stain when temperatures are between 50 to 90 degrees F and relative humidity is below 80%.
  • Apply stain to all exposed edges and ends of your stainable urethane product.
    IMPORTANT: Any urethane product that will be exposed to weather must be finished within 90 days of exposure.
  • DO NOT apply stain or topcoat while dew is present.
  • DO NOT apply stain in direct sunlight.
  • DO NOT sand stainable polyurethane product.


Use water based stain or a quality gel stain. If using gel stain, it should be cut 2-1 with 2 parts stain and 1 part mineral spirits. Follow gel stain drying times found on the container. If product will be used in an exterior application, exterior water based stain should be used with a quality exterior top coat.

Step 1: Surface Preparation

Prior to staining, be sure to clean and prepare surfaces. Use a clean rag dampened with mineral spirits to wipe the entire surface, removing all contaminants.
Tip: Compressed air can be used to blow dust off of deeply grooved products.

Step 2: Apply Stain

Stir the stain well with a stir stick. Improperly mixed stain will not dry correctly. Apply the stain with brush, apply the stain directly on the surface of the polyurethane product. Ensure that you work the stain into the grain, fill all crack and crevices.
Tip: If your product is 10’ or greater, apply the stain in sections.

Step 3: Blend

After product has been fully stained, take a clean, dry short bristle brush and begin dry brushing and blending the stain in the direction of the grain. Every few strokes, remove the excess stain onto a clean rag or shop towel. Continue this process until you have completed the entire product or area of the product and it appears as any stained wood product. Pay special attention to any deep grooves and corners. Do not let stain collect or pool in these areas. For lighter shades, remove more of the stain when dry brushing. For darker applications, repeat Steps 2 and 3. Make sure first application is dry before applying second coat of stain.
Tip: To reduce bristle loss during the blending process, periodically tug on the bristles with a rag or shop towel. This will help remove loose bristles so the strands do not fall off and stick to the product.

Step 4: Test For Dryness

To test for dryness, use a gloved hand to touch an area of the product that is hidden or near the edge. The stain is completely dry when nothing comes off on the glove. If it is not dry, test again every hour until dry.

Step 5: Apply Topcoat (For Exterior Applications)

Stir the topcoat well with a stir stick. To apply the topcoat, wet the tips of the brush to apply a single, very thin layer of topcoat. Apply topcoat in a smooth and even motion. Do not use excessive brush strokes, as this may cause the topcoat to bubble or loosen the stain. If you find an area that is too light or dark with stain, apply a small amount of mineral spirits and wipe. Then reapply the stain and dry brush and blend area. After it is dry, apply topcoat again.
Tip: To reduce bristle loss during the topcoat process, periodically tug on the bristles with a rag or shop towel. This will help remove loose bristles so the strands do not fall off and stick to the product.


All exterior finishes are affected by exposure to sun, weathering, moisture and air pollutants. Typical durability of the topcoat is 3-5 years, but could be less depending upon location conditions. When the topcoat feels rough, it’s time to reapply a new layer of topcoat. DO NOT use topcoat that is more than 3 years old or that has not been stored in proper temperature conditions.

After Staining

For fine scratches or nicks in stain:

  • Wipe the damaged surface with mineral spirits
  • Apply the stain to the scratched area with a cotton swab or an artist brush.
  • Blend the stain until color match is achieved.
  • If clear topcoat is required, wait until the stain is dry before applying topcoat.
  • Apply a fine layer of topcoat over the repaired area with a clean cotton swab or small brush.

Tip: Fine scratches can be touched up by daubing stain onto the area even if topcoat has already been applied.

Create A Unique Look With Multilayer Stains

You can create an artistic look by using two different color stains. It’s recommended that you practice with two colors first to get the desired effect. Apply the dark color stain first and dry brush. After it is completely dry, apply the second stain color, lighter shade. Make sure the darker color is visible through the lighter shade of stain. Dry brush the second coat to get to the look desired.

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