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Line Art Glue-up Styrofoam Ceiling Tile 20 in x 20 in - #R 24
Nothing imparts a feeling of stability and trustworthiness like a simple beautiful ceiling covered with our wonderful R 24 Line Art styrofoam decorative ceiling tiles. At first glance, these tiles appear to be plain square tiles, but a closer look shows the subtle square borders of varying widths and depths, bringing a feeling of suave sophistication and quiet elegance to your room. Sleek and modern, yet timeless, these tiles are ideal for any room, including a formal dining room, a business, or even a classroom. Install them and you'll see why the R 24 Line Art decorative ceiling tile has become a modern classic.
A La Maison - Downloadable Catalog
#R24 - Line Art |
A La Maison and Crown Molding
#R24 - Line Art |
#R24 - Line Art |
#R24 - Line Art |
Line Art Glue-up Styrofoam Ceiling Tile 20 in x 20 in - #R 24
Nothing imparts a feeling of stability and trustworthiness like a simple beautiful ceiling covered with our wonderful R 24 Line Art styrofoam decorative ceiling tiles. At first glance, these tiles appear to be plain square tiles, but a closer look shows the subtle square borders of varying widths and depths, bringing a feeling of suave sophistication and quiet elegance to your room. Sleek and modern, yet timeless, these tiles are ideal for any room, including a formal dining room, a business, or even a classroom. Install them and you'll see why the R 24 Line Art decorative ceiling tile has become a modern classic.
A La Maison - Downloadable Catalog
#R24 - Line Art |
#R24 - Line Art |
#R24 - Line Art |
#R24 - Line Art |