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As their name implies, Unique Art Laminates, are truly unique work-of-art laminates that offer rich colors and metals in their design. They are hand painted by artists using techniques that allow for repeatability. the artistic value and nuances of hand painting are evident when using multiple sheets. Protected with a high quality lacquer process to ensure durability, these laminates can be used in both low and high traffic areas. Since each sheet is hand painted, it should be noted that slight differences will be seen from sheet to sheet..
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As their name implies, Unique Art Laminates, are truly unique work-of-art laminates that offer rich colors and metals in their design. They are hand painted by artists using techniques that allow for repeatability. the artistic value and nuances of hand painting are evident when using multiple sheets. Protected with a high quality lacquer process to ensure durability, these laminates can be used in both low and high traffic areas. Since each sheet is hand painted, it should be noted that slight differences will be seen from sheet to sheet..
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