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Precut Crown Molding Corners
Save Time and Effort With Precut Molding for Corners
Crown molding is a popular decorative element used in homes to add beauty to walls and ceilings, but while it's simple to install yourself, once you reach the corner, molding can be a little trickier to put up. But with our precut crown molding for corners, achieving clean and seamless corners is simple! This precut wall corner molding perfectly matches our Creative Crown molding products, and each piece is cut and shaped to fit perfectly into the corner of your room. Just choose the style of Creative Crown molding that you're using to find the matching wall corner molding, tell us whether you need an inside or outside corner, and choose the angle where your walls meet. We'll take care of the cutting, saving you from having to miter your own molding for corners and worry about whether the results will fit snugly. At Decorative Ceiling Tiles, we do everything we can to make installing new crown molding as easy as possible for DIYers like you!
Cutting and Painting Process
Precut Crown Molding Corners
Save Time and Effort With Precut Molding for Corners
Crown molding is a popular decorative element used in homes to add beauty to walls and ceilings, but while it's simple to install yourself, once you reach the corner, molding can be a little trickier to put up. But with our precut crown molding for corners, achieving clean and seamless corners is simple! This precut wall corner molding perfectly matches our Creative Crown molding products, and each piece is cut and shaped to fit perfectly into the corner of your room. Just choose the style of Creative Crown molding that you're using to find the matching wall corner molding, tell us whether you need an inside or outside corner, and choose the angle where your walls meet. We'll take care of the cutting, saving you from having to miter your own molding for corners and worry about whether the results will fit snugly. At Decorative Ceiling Tiles, we do everything we can to make installing new crown molding as easy as possible for DIYers like you!
Cutting and Painting Process