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Spring Buds Glue-up Styrofoam Ceiling Tile 20 in x 20 in - #R 05
The R 05 Spring Buds styrofoam decorative ceiling tile features a beautiful colonial-inspired design that is not only pleasing to look at but practical as well. The central medallion features four tiny floral designs. What makes this tile different and special is the simple, wide, plain, undecorated expanse in between the central design and the beautiful curving scalloped border of sweetly twining vines with tiny buds of spring leaves just waiting to burst into full, luscious blooms. The R 05 Spring Buds decorative ceiling tile will add a subtle air of fresh beauty wherever it is installed.
A La Maison - Downloadable Catalog
#R05 - Spring Buds |
A La Maison and Crown Molding
#R05 - Spring Buds |
#R05 - Spring Buds |
Spring Buds Glue-up Styrofoam Ceiling Tile 20 in x 20 in - #R 05
The R 05 Spring Buds styrofoam decorative ceiling tile features a beautiful colonial-inspired design that is not only pleasing to look at but practical as well. The central medallion features four tiny floral designs. What makes this tile different and special is the simple, wide, plain, undecorated expanse in between the central design and the beautiful curving scalloped border of sweetly twining vines with tiny buds of spring leaves just waiting to burst into full, luscious blooms. The R 05 Spring Buds decorative ceiling tile will add a subtle air of fresh beauty wherever it is installed.
A La Maison - Downloadable Catalog
#R05 - Spring Buds |
#R05 - Spring Buds |
#R05 - Spring Buds |