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Romanesque Wreath Glue-up Styrofoam Ceiling Tile 20 in x 20 in - #R 47
The classic look of our R 47 Romanesque Wreath styrofoam decorative ceiling tiles adds a look of strength, stability, and beauty to any room in which these tiles are installed. The ancient Romans appreciated beauty wherever they found it, and they would be sure to find it in a room decorated with these stately tiles. The perfectly round central wreath is nestled within a set of equally perfectly symmetrical decorative squares, one created with solid lines, and the other created with a floral design. No matter where it is installed, the R 47 Romanesque Wreath styrofoam decorative ceiling tile is sure to become a classic.
A La Maison - Downloadable Catalog
#R47 - Romanesque Wreath |
A La Maison and Crown Molding
#R47 - Romanesque Wreath |
Romanesque Wreath Glue-up Styrofoam Ceiling Tile 20 in x 20 in - #R 47
The classic look of our R 47 Romanesque Wreath styrofoam decorative ceiling tiles adds a look of strength, stability, and beauty to any room in which these tiles are installed. The ancient Romans appreciated beauty wherever they found it, and they would be sure to find it in a room decorated with these stately tiles. The perfectly round central wreath is nestled within a set of equally perfectly symmetrical decorative squares, one created with solid lines, and the other created with a floral design. No matter where it is installed, the R 47 Romanesque Wreath styrofoam decorative ceiling tile is sure to become a classic.
A La Maison - Downloadable Catalog
#R47 - Romanesque Wreath |
#R47 - Romanesque Wreath |