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Circles and Stars Glue-up Styrofoam Ceiling Tile 20 in x 20 in - #R82
One of our most popular and beautiful tiles, the Circles and Stars decorative Styrofoam ceiling tile portrays a futuristic four-pointed star surrounded by sweeping curves, ovals, and circles that gently and subtly flow from tile to tile, so that your ceiling is covered with a variety of interesting shapes and lines. Easily installed in less than a day, these interesting tiles are also available in several different colors and finishes. These tiles are so versatile that they will look wonderful wherever they are installed, including businesses, restaurants, offices, and any room in your home, such as bedrooms, kitchens, dining rooms, and even bathrooms.
A La Maison - Downloadable Catalog
#R82 - Circles and Stars |
A La Maison and Crown Molding
#R82 - Circles and Stars |
#R82 - Circles and Stars |
Circles and Stars Glue-up Styrofoam Ceiling Tile 20 in x 20 in - #R82
One of our most popular and beautiful tiles, the Circles and Stars decorative Styrofoam ceiling tile portrays a futuristic four-pointed star surrounded by sweeping curves, ovals, and circles that gently and subtly flow from tile to tile, so that your ceiling is covered with a variety of interesting shapes and lines. Easily installed in less than a day, these interesting tiles are also available in several different colors and finishes. These tiles are so versatile that they will look wonderful wherever they are installed, including businesses, restaurants, offices, and any room in your home, such as bedrooms, kitchens, dining rooms, and even bathrooms.
A La Maison - Downloadable Catalog
#R82 - Circles and Stars |
#R82 - Circles and Stars |
#R82 - Circles and Stars |