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The gorgeous SH508 Rossini Shanko decorative ceiling tile is one of our most beautiful tiles. Its shimmering mirrored center is framed by a rows of dashes and dots that resemble beautiful eyelet lace. Surrounding that pattern are additional borders of wonderful oval, floral, and even simple square shapes that adds a wonderful sense of depth to any ceiling and room. The SH508 Rossini Shanko decorative ceiling tile will have you singing its praises!
All Patterns can be perforated for acoustical purposes
Cone Head Nails are available in all Finishes.
STEEL panels come UNFINISHED, and need to be treated with an OIL-BASED paint. For best results use a semi-gloss or high-gloss paint to prevent rusting or tarnishing.
To leave STEEL panels in natural state, use clear gloss enamel by Rustoleum.
The gorgeous SH508 Rossini Shanko decorative ceiling tile is one of our most beautiful tiles. Its shimmering mirrored center is framed by a rows of dashes and dots that resemble beautiful eyelet lace. Surrounding that pattern are additional borders of wonderful oval, floral, and even simple square shapes that adds a wonderful sense of depth to any ceiling and room. The SH508 Rossini Shanko decorative ceiling tile will have you singing its praises!
All Patterns can be perforated for acoustical purposes
Cone Head Nails are available in all Finishes.
STEEL panels come UNFINISHED, and need to be treated with an OIL-BASED paint. For best results use a semi-gloss or high-gloss paint to prevent rusting or tarnishing.
To leave STEEL panels in natural state, use clear gloss enamel by Rustoleum.