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Royal Palms - Shanko Copper Cornice 15.5 in. Wide 4 ft. Long - #907
If you want a glorious, beautiful, and impressive finishing touch for your room, our SK907 Royal Palms Shanko Cornice is ideal. This cornice features a series of frilly, frothy arched palm motifs that will match a variety of decors including French, Egyptian, African, Greek, and more. The SK907 Royal Palms Shanko Cornice is especially suited for large rooms such as banquet halls and restaurants.
Royal Palms - Shanko Copper Cornice 15.5 in. Wide 4 ft. Long - #907
If you want a glorious, beautiful, and impressive finishing touch for your room, our SK907 Royal Palms Shanko Cornice is ideal. This cornice features a series of frilly, frothy arched palm motifs that will match a variety of decors including French, Egyptian, African, Greek, and more. The SK907 Royal Palms Shanko Cornice is especially suited for large rooms such as banquet halls and restaurants.