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Cabana Canopy - Shanko Aluminum Cornice 9 in. Wide 4 ft. Long - #806
The SK806 Cabana Canopy Cornice from Shanko will bring a touch of summery sunshine to those all-important finishing edges of your beautiful new Shanko tile ceiling. A series of bold high arches creates a stripy design on the SK806 Cabana Canopy Cornice from Shanko that will give you a feeling of relaxing under a shady awning in your own private corner of paradise. All you need to add is your favorite tropical fruit drink—don't forget the little umbrella!
Cabana Canopy - Shanko Aluminum Cornice 9 in. Wide 4 ft. Long - #806
The SK806 Cabana Canopy Cornice from Shanko will bring a touch of summery sunshine to those all-important finishing edges of your beautiful new Shanko tile ceiling. A series of bold high arches creates a stripy design on the SK806 Cabana Canopy Cornice from Shanko that will give you a feeling of relaxing under a shady awning in your own private corner of paradise. All you need to add is your favorite tropical fruit drink—don't forget the little umbrella!