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Fleurs de Lis- Shanko Aluminum Cornice 13 in. Wide 4 ft. Long - #807
If you're looking for a cornice to finish a ceiling decorated with one of our many fleurs-de-lis decorative ceiling tiles, look no further than the SK807 Fleurs-de-Lis Shanko cornice. This narrow cornice features a line of those beautiful delicate lilies so reminiscent of France and New Orleans. The SK807 Fleur-de-Lis Shanko cornice goes beautifully with many different types of decor, including French country and French Quarter.
Fleurs de Lis- Shanko Aluminum Cornice 13 in. Wide 4 ft. Long - #807
If you're looking for a cornice to finish a ceiling decorated with one of our many fleurs-de-lis decorative ceiling tiles, look no further than the SK807 Fleurs-de-Lis Shanko cornice. This narrow cornice features a line of those beautiful delicate lilies so reminiscent of France and New Orleans. The SK807 Fleur-de-Lis Shanko cornice goes beautifully with many different types of decor, including French country and French Quarter.