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Just like Bogie and Bacall, our SH307 Key Largo Shanko decorative ceiling tile adds a touch of old-fashioned glamor everywhere it goes. This gorgeous Art Deco style tile sports a series of sharply etched diamonds with centers so highly polished that you could almost use them as mirrors. Not only would these tiles look great in your home or business, but, because they reflect light so beautifully, they're ideal to use to decorate television and film sets. Let the SH307 Key Largo Shanko decorative ceiling tile take you on a trip down memory lane to classic Old Hollywood.
Just like Bogie and Bacall, our SH307 Key Largo Shanko decorative ceiling tile adds a touch of old-fashioned glamor everywhere it goes. This gorgeous Art Deco style tile sports a series of sharply etched diamonds with centers so highly polished that you could almost use them as mirrors. Not only would these tiles look great in your home or business, but, because they reflect light so beautifully, they're ideal to use to decorate television and film sets. Let the SH307 Key Largo Shanko decorative ceiling tile take you on a trip down memory lane to classic Old Hollywood.