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One of our most stunning new tiles, the SH501 I Love Paris Shanko decorative ceiling tile features a combination of beautifully engraved design elements including flowers, fans, seashells, and, with a little bit of imagination, even the Eiffel Tower! Coffee houses, wine bistros, and French restaurants would all be ideal locations to decorate with this gorgeous tile. Bring out your inner Brigitte or Jean-Luc with the SH501 I Love Paris Shanko decorative ceiling tile!
One of our most stunning new tiles, the SH501 I Love Paris Shanko decorative ceiling tile features a combination of beautifully engraved design elements including flowers, fans, seashells, and, with a little bit of imagination, even the Eiffel Tower! Coffee houses, wine bistros, and French restaurants would all be ideal locations to decorate with this gorgeous tile. Bring out your inner Brigitte or Jean-Luc with the SH501 I Love Paris Shanko decorative ceiling tile!