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Named after the legendary Charles I, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, our SH518 Charlemagne Shanko decorative ceiling tile features a hammered metal central medallion surrounded by beautiful fleurs-de-lis along with a border of firmly raised dots, making it resemble a great protective shield. All of these fierce design elements make this tile look heavy, so it may surprise you to learn that this tile is lightweight, making it incredibly easy to handle and install.
Named after the legendary Charles I, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, our SH518 Charlemagne Shanko decorative ceiling tile features a hammered metal central medallion surrounded by beautiful fleurs-de-lis along with a border of firmly raised dots, making it resemble a great protective shield. All of these fierce design elements make this tile look heavy, so it may surprise you to learn that this tile is lightweight, making it incredibly easy to handle and install.