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Double Tulips - Shanko Copper Cornice 10.8 in. Wide 4 ft. Long - #808
Floral designs look great in almost any type of room or building. That's the reason that we have so many types of floral tiles. And if you're looking for a great way to make that floral look complete, our SK808 ShankoDouble Tulips cornice is the perfect match for our tulip and floral decorated ceiling tiles. Sporting a double line of beautiful stylized tulip blossoms, the SK808 Shanko Double Tulips Cornice adds that perfect elegant finishing touch.
Double Tulips - Shanko Copper Cornice 10.8 in. Wide 4 ft. Long - #808
Floral designs look great in almost any type of room or building. That's the reason that we have so many types of floral tiles. And if you're looking for a great way to make that floral look complete, our SK808 ShankoDouble Tulips cornice is the perfect match for our tulip and floral decorated ceiling tiles. Sporting a double line of beautiful stylized tulip blossoms, the SK808 Shanko Double Tulips Cornice adds that perfect elegant finishing touch.