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Tons of tiny tulips tiptoe towards you across our popular #309 Tiptoe decorative panel range by Shanko that now includes powder coated ceiling tiles and wall panels.
Sporting a classic floral design of fleurs-de-lis, the Tiptoe tile will add the perfect amount of flowers and foliage to your ceiling, wall panel, wet bar, headboard, or any other place that needs a fancy floral ornamentation. The SH309 Tiptoe powder coated tin ceiling tile can transport you to any classical environment from old Versailles to New Orleans.
Powder coated ceiling tiles can create a one-of-a-kind feature wall or ceiling that guests will marvel at and you'll enjoy observing on a daily basis.
All Patterns can be perforated for acoustical purposes. Simply select the perforation option when placing the order and you can also take a look at the Tiptoe Acoustical Perforated Tin Ceiling Tile for more information.
Cone Head Nails are available in all Finishes.
The #309 Tiptoe Powder Coated Ceiling Tile is also available in other materials and finishes, allowing you to choose from a greater variety of products to match the style of your home or office:
- Shanko #309 Tiptoe Tin Ceiling Tile
- Shanko #309 Tiptoe Hand Painted Tin Ceiling Tile
- Shanko #309 Tiptoe Aluminum Ceiling Tile
- Shanko #309 Tiptoe Copper Ceiling Tile
For even further options on designs, patterns, colors, materials and styles, browse through our full online range of tin ceiling tiles or visit our broader range of decorative ceiling tiles, and if you have any metal ceiling questions or something else that you're not quite sure about, please feel free to contact our knowledge and friendly experts for assistance.
Tons of tiny tulips tiptoe towards you across our popular #309 Tiptoe decorative panel range by Shanko that now includes powder coated ceiling tiles and wall panels.
Sporting a classic floral design of fleurs-de-lis, the Tiptoe tile will add the perfect amount of flowers and foliage to your ceiling, wall panel, wet bar, headboard, or any other place that needs a fancy floral ornamentation. The SH309 Tiptoe powder coated tin ceiling tile can transport you to any classical environment from old Versailles to New Orleans.
Powder coated ceiling tiles can create a one-of-a-kind feature wall or ceiling that guests will marvel at and you'll enjoy observing on a daily basis.
All Patterns can be perforated for acoustical purposes. Simply select the perforation option when placing the order and you can also take a look at the Tiptoe Acoustical Perforated Tin Ceiling Tile for more information.
Cone Head Nails are available in all Finishes.
The #309 Tiptoe Powder Coated Ceiling Tile is also available in other materials and finishes, allowing you to choose from a greater variety of products to match the style of your home or office:
- Shanko #309 Tiptoe Tin Ceiling Tile
- Shanko #309 Tiptoe Hand Painted Tin Ceiling Tile
- Shanko #309 Tiptoe Aluminum Ceiling Tile
- Shanko #309 Tiptoe Copper Ceiling Tile
For even further options on designs, patterns, colors, materials and styles, browse through our full online range of tin ceiling tiles or visit our broader range of decorative ceiling tiles, and if you have any metal ceiling questions or something else that you're not quite sure about, please feel free to contact our knowledge and friendly experts for assistance.