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Like the street after which it is named, our SH204 5th Avenue Shanko decorative ceiling tile is classically modern and sophisticated. Its series of concentric squares lends a simply elegant air to any room, from the most impressive corporate office to the coziest bistro. So put on your Easter bonnet, get out the Afghan hounds, and take a stroll down the upscale avenue with our SH204 5th Avenue Shanko decorative ceiling tile.
Like the street after which it is named, our SH204 5th Avenue Shanko decorative ceiling tile is classically modern and sophisticated. Its series of concentric squares lends a simply elegant air to any room, from the most impressive corporate office to the coziest bistro. So put on your Easter bonnet, get out the Afghan hounds, and take a stroll down the upscale avenue with our SH204 5th Avenue Shanko decorative ceiling tile.