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Dots 'N' Dashes - Shanko Tin Cornice 3.4 in. Wide 4 ft. Long - #801
Cone Head Nails are available in all Finishes.
STEEL cornice come UNFINISHED, and need to be treated with an OIL BASED paint. For best results use a semi-gloss or high-gloss paint to prevent rusting or tarnishing. To leave STEEL panels in natural state, use clear glossy enamel by Rustoleum.
Dots 'N' Dashes - Shanko Tin Cornice 3.4 in. Wide 4 ft. Long - #801
Cone Head Nails are available in all Finishes.
STEEL cornice come UNFINISHED, and need to be treated with an OIL BASED paint. For best results use a semi-gloss or high-gloss paint to prevent rusting or tarnishing. To leave STEEL panels in natural state, use clear glossy enamel by Rustoleum.