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Puffy Arches - Shanko Tin Cornice 2.6 in. Wide 4 ft. Long - #810
Like tiny little tin soldiers, little puffed arches march impressively along the length of our SK810 Puffy Arches Shanko Cornice. The puffiness adds a feeling of depth and dimension to any room, and the design is a great match for many types of decor and decorative ceiling tiles including traditional, Gothic, classic, and more. The SK810 Puffy Arches Shanko Cornice is ideal for homes, offices, restaurants, and businesses.
Cone Head Nails are available in all Finishes. STEEL cornice come UNFINISHED, and need to be treated with an OIL BASED paint. For best results use a semi-gloss or high-gloss paint to prevent rusting or tarnishing. To leave STEEL panels in natural state, use clear glossy enamel by Rustoleum.
Puffy Arches - Shanko Tin Cornice 2.6 in. Wide 4 ft. Long - #810
Like tiny little tin soldiers, little puffed arches march impressively along the length of our SK810 Puffy Arches Shanko Cornice. The puffiness adds a feeling of depth and dimension to any room, and the design is a great match for many types of decor and decorative ceiling tiles including traditional, Gothic, classic, and more. The SK810 Puffy Arches Shanko Cornice is ideal for homes, offices, restaurants, and businesses.
Cone Head Nails are available in all Finishes. STEEL cornice come UNFINISHED, and need to be treated with an OIL BASED paint. For best results use a semi-gloss or high-gloss paint to prevent rusting or tarnishing. To leave STEEL panels in natural state, use clear glossy enamel by Rustoleum.